Expo doctor fix dependencies. 0 - actual version installed: ^1. Expo doctor fix dependencies

0 - actual version installed: ^1Expo doctor fix dependencies  Please provide enough code so others can better understand or reproduce the problem

None of these things have helped. I was facing the same issue. Use Yarn to install dependencies. ios. Otherwise, you can follow the below steps. I suspect there’s some sort of version conflict with your dependencies. Share. 0 - actual version installed: ^1. 6. onexit (internal/child_process. The documentation for contributing may be missing steps, or perh. 4. 4. I have the correct versions installed. The --save-dev flag will cause it to update the version in your package. Expo is an open-source platform for making universal native apps for Android, iOS, and the web with JavaScript and React. org. Works with a build app but not with Expo Go. 4 - actual version installed: 13. com, or another. What is the Expo equivalent of npm update? I understand using expo install {package-name}. json. Loading. 1. The doctor command is available as a part of React Native 0. 1. 0. npx expo doctor --fix-dependencies. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Victoria and beyond. 8. Dependency tree validation for expo-modules-autolinking failed. It fails, then I restart with the button “clear cache and restart” but stills same. This version of Expo Go only Supports the following SDKS: 44. 71. Now expo doctor gives me this result: Expected to not find any copies of @unimodules/core Found invalid:Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. e not available in package. 2 and react-native-reanimated: 3. using npm doctor shows node -v v12. If npx expo install --fix doesn’t fix it, maybe post your dependencies and devDependencies from package. node version : v18. 0. expo update did not work for me unfortunately :( . expo install <package> fails on Ubuntu 18. " like this and i tried expo doctor and expo doctor --fix-dependencies but it also did not work. The first order of business is onboarding your React Native packages to the dependency manager. I have explicitly added chalk as a dependency to work around the above issue, so it now shows in my package. (default when yarn. Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Resources. I made the project a bare project and below is the information I have set up. 0 stars Watchers. [expo-cli] validate project dependencies on doctor run #3416. wodin: expo prebuild --clean. I have created a new project and I have installed all dependencies by expo install without react-native-modal-datetime-picker. I have ran expo install && expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies and all modules are up to date. _Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo package version: react-native-maps - expected version: 0. Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. i also tried cd ios and pod install but the build still fails with the 6. After that, the app was finally. Build/Submit details page URL No response Summary We are running eas build using the following command: npx eas-cli build --profile=test --non-interactive --platform=all And i get the following err. expo start or. If possible, connect your device and access the device logs via Android Studio or Xcode. Tried reverting expo-cli to a previous version, same with npm and node. I'm new to React-Native and expo so if you could help me, I'd be really appreciated. 0. expo-template-reactrouter-nativebase git:(expo-46) expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies Expected package @expo/config-plugins@^5. pnpm. I am creating a project using EXPO managed project. 0. Is there any way to fix it? expo doctor log: √ Found all copies of expo-modules-autolinking Expected package expo-modules-autolinking@~0. After that, the app was finally. I ran the npm i expo-cli command and got the newest Version. Eg expo doctor --fix-dependencies. The following issue can be checked by npx expo-doctor. npx -y expo-doctor exited with non-zero code: 1 It says some of your project's dependencies are not compatible with currently installed expo package version. 44. 4 - actual. I set my expo. 0" v 4. expo doctor --fix-dependencies; if react-test-render is not compitable the current version of react then simply run: npm i [email protected] - actual version installed: 0. 4. error: unknown option `--fix' ```----1. 0. 1-expo doctor --fix-dependencies 2-expo doctor Note: If you find any issue with the above command then you have to fix it by installing those dependencies manually. Fix dependencies. expo doctor --fix dependencies. 0. Dependency tree validation for @unimodules/core failed. 4 - actual version installed: 10. Jeremy Caney. ) 'expo doctor --fix dependencies'. To remove a package from your node_modules directory, on the command line, use the uninstall command. Then run: expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies and: npx expo install --check. EvanBacon closed this as completed in #3416 on Apr 22, 2021. It should not. Run yarn install (if there is any issues related to dependencies, try expo doctor --fix-dependencies?) Connect your mobile device (Android / iOS) to your computer. Some of the things above might not be connected, but that's what I did. git clean -fdx rm package-lock. 0. This isn't a huge issue, this is just expo giving us a little bit of guidance to know that it'd be a good idea to upgrade some of these packages. npm doctor runs a set of checks to ensure that your npm installation has what it needs to manage your JavaScript packages. 7. 0 Found invalid: [email protected] (while a nightmare with dependencies!) has a expo doctor utility which helps to fix & ensure the versions will work in the app. Let me know how I can troubleshoot or help 😁. I noticed that, if I downgrade my SDK to 45, run yarn, and then run expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies, it. Thank you, @Kaosc, for leading me to this fix. Resources. Version: 1. Latest version: 1. Step 1: You need to open your power shell or command line with ‘Run as Administrator’ by right-clicking on its icon. Constants. Include the scope of the package is scoped. Right now I rely on ncu to check for dependency updates, but that does not take into account expo-compatible updates. 5. I ran expo doctor --fix-dependencies; I removed eas-cli and expo-cli; I did the following: wodin: Then try removing your node_modules and yarn. cerivera February 26, 2022, 4:55am 7. 1. Description. I’m updating from an older version of expo using unimodules to Expo SDK 43 using the bare workflow. This is a temporary solution, but going into your package. If so, fix those dependency versions and try to build again. Then reinstall your. The suggestion to switch to npx expo is mostly correct. 1) with eas-cli (0. 1 - actual version. Describe the bug I'm having trouble using react-native-reanimated-carousel in a react-native-web project, so I decided to try and debug further by running expo web locally. js plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'] start server. Some of your project's dependencies are not compatible with. Expo SDK. Follow edited Nov 27, 2022 at 15:00. How to bump your expo sdk dependencies in Expo React NativePour participer en live à l'emission Nous suivre pour plus. Validating global prerequisites versions passed Checking for incompatible packages passed Checking for conflicting global packages in. Thanks for your reply, but this is not satisfying, but there is actually a way which is to call expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies after upgrading all packages by running npm-check-updates -u. Use an existing sdk 48 project. 0. warning "expo > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@^0. 0. json. How do you address these sorts of conflicts in general?I resolved this issue by doing a force install as the console messages were suggesting and then using expo doctor (again as the console messages were suggestion) to fix the dependency issue. The doctor command is heavily inspired by Expo and Homebrew 's. npm install react-native-checkbox-reanimated npm install react-native-reanimated react-native-svg. This validation is only available on Node 16+ / npm 8. See if that works for you. This helps for me: downgrade to expo 47. 3, last published: 3 months ago. 1 - expected version: ~5. config. Phone: 250-391-6062. But that’s because I was trying various versions to get around the Kotlin issue. and once the installation is done, do: expo doctor --fix-dependencies. 2. Try running npx expo start --no-dev --minify to reproduce the production JS bundle locally. open terminal or cmd and navigate to your project root. After updating your dependencies, run expo doctor to identify and fix any other issues that may be related to the new version of Expo and your devDependencies. Then: expo doctor. I setup my Mac dev environment for expo a year ago via non-brew mechanisms (macOS AppStore (Ie, xcode, etc), and npm/npx. 0 - react - expected version: 18. If you think expo doctor does not update your packages correctly, please provide the output of the command and diff of the changes that it made. 2 Found invalid: @expo/[email protected]. 1. json and package-lock. 0; Upgrade all dependencies to match SDK 48: npx expo install --fix; Check for any possible issues in your project dependencies: npx expo-doctor; Resource. npm doctor. 2. As of today, I upgraded to Expo SDK 49 by following the instructions on the blog. Run yarn android / yarn ios / yarn start. We recommend you to migrate to scoped packages such as @graphql. 3. Try running expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies and see what happens. 1. # See a list of commands in Expo CLI. Provide details and share your research! But avoid. npmjs. 30. 0. 1 Answer. Expo will detect a tsconfig. For expo-cli, if you don’t have it listed in package. policy or. 0 Found invalid. If you did upgrade to a newer SDK, make sure to run expo-cli upgrade and follow the prompts. 0. Upgrade to SDK 49 ( yarn upgrade expo@latest) Do not update other dependencies. Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo package version: - react-native-gesture-handler - expected version: ~2. For instance, recently with SDK 46, expo doctor --fix-dependencies would update react-native from 0. json With the tsconfig. Closed tengkuzulfadli opened this issue. js for connection check and run that page from index. . 1. 0 -. 5 @expo/config-plugins@4. When that has happened for me I have had to remove the lock file and node_modules and then re-install the dependencies. 0. Share. npx eas build. So, if there is any such utility in Solito, I think the value would be massive especially for larger codebases to adopt &. Share. 69. I setup my Mac dev environment for expo a year ago via non-brew mechanisms (macOS AppStore (Ie, xcode, etc), and npm/npx. 1. 0 - actual version installed: ^0. 5. 3. In case somebody is reading this because their setup is fine and custom fonts work on iOS and in some cases don't work on Android:. expo doctor --fix-dependencies also didnt work. Link to the npm install docs. npm -v npm version. json 's devDependencies. 3 was published by keith-kurak. json。 $ expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies WARNING: The legacy expo-cli does not support Node +17. avardag avardag. github. Thanks for your help. . 7. Share. 0 (a newer version the the one compatible with expo). If I install your dependencies (except for the @fortawesome/pro-* stuff) and run expo doctor --fix-dependencies, then expo doctor does not complain about @expo/config-plugins@5. 0; Upgrade all dependencies to match SDK 48: npx expo install --fix; Check for any possibly issues in your project dependencies: npx expo-doctor; Upgraded to the latest version of the firebase web sdk: expo install firebase; delete node modules, yarn. 69. I implemented webhook server (AWS Lambda) which downloads build artifacts and upload it my AWS S3 bucket. 12. 1 - expo-font - expected version: ~10. BlogWhen I run expo doctor this is the output: Expected package @expo/config-plugins@^5. 59. If you don't do it, some of the side effects might be your app accidentally crashing at. , npx create-expo-app my-app) installs the package dependencies using npm. We decided to move away from Expo. 2. 1 , when i start the application i get errors . I have upgraded EXPO to 45 and when I am installing react native maps I get v. Find and fix vulnerabilities. I've started using react native with expo not long ago so I am a bit lost. after updating expo-cli to 3. If after that it still shows some conflicting dependency maybe you need to analyze it with npm why package-name-here and try to fix manually ╰─$ expo doctor Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo package version: - expo-asset - expected version: ~8. npm ping. Platforms (Android/iOS/web/all): in Theory All but mainly Android. 4. 70. Delete node_modules folder. Here are some logs from expo server: Run Expo Doctor Use this command : expo doctor --fix-dependencies. 547 Followers. this. EAS Build failed, help - Expo Application Services (EAS) - Forums. 4. 6 - actual version installed: 8. Loading. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':expo-dev-menu:compileDebugKotlin'. About. 7. When you call npx expo or npx expo start it should also validate all dependencies, and if there are some problems it writes something like: Also, npx expo-cli doctor can help by providing additional info. 4. What worked as the cli suggested is to use: expo doctor --fix-dependencies npm install someFixedVersionPackage@latest will install the latest version of the package. Removing Pods and Podfile. Upgrading Expo Dependencies. 7,229 75 75 gold badges 49 49 silver badges 78 78 bronze. Installing 8 SDK 41. This can also be checked with npm ping. Anyway, after setting the releaseChannel key in eas. 4. 0. result in: $ expo doctor is not supported in the local CLI, please use npx expo-doctor instead. and when I try "expo doctor --fix-dependencies", this is what happens: Unable to reach Expo servers. After upgrading from SDK 44 to SDK 47 errors related to expo-splash-screen dependency #20318. 3. npx expo doctor --fix-dependencies. launching correctly. 31. 5. EDIT: Here are the patches: gist. Expo is an open-source platform for making universal native apps for Android, iOS, and the web with JavaScript and React. If that doesn’t work for you, maybe after that try removing your yarn. › Scan the QR code above with Expo Go (Android) or the Camera app (iOS) › Press a │ open Android › Press w │ open web › Press r │ reload app › Press m │ toggle menu › Press ? │ show all commands Logs for your project will appear below. . 1 Found invalid: expo-modules-autolinking@0. 0 [stderr] [00:59:32] Found invalid: [stderr] [00:59:32] @expo/config-plugins@5. I ran npm install expo@^48. 0 should be the same, unless I’m missing something. 0%; FooterTo start your app, open the terminal on your development machine and run the npx expo command: Terminal. Follow edited Mar 3 at 17:31. About that task fail, here is the. Tu run the project on ios run. To be launched in the project root folder. We are using a library that has a peerDependency for react-native-safe-area-context@^3. 1. Add a comment. Loading. 5. 0. expo-modules-core is a direct dependency of expo . lock. Languages. expo install [email protected] Your project may not work. Armed with your error logs, you can. Steps to fix this issue -. 1. If I run npm ls @expo/config-plugins, here is the result:It is used to diagnose if there are any platform dependencies that are pending to be completely setup. If I run npx expo-doctor with your dependencies, I get the following: % npx expo-doctor Validating global prerequisites versions Checking for incompatible packages Checking for conflicting global packages in project Verifying prebuild support package. The expo package provides a small and powerful CLI tool npx expo which is designed to keep you moving fast during. Nick Arnie Nick Arnie. 5 @expo/[email protected] node_modules/ in . You need to create a free account. Expo: write universal native Android, iOS, and web apps with the development workflow of the web and native user experiences. To run the project on android run. 15", If you run expo-cli doctor you it might complain about react-native-gesture-handler depending on which version you actually have installed:. 2. . Update the react-native to ^0. 6), not sure how the kotlin upgrade to 1. [doctor] check for sdkVersion in Expo config expo/expo-cli#4732. - Forums. For managed projects, expo install installs the wrong versions of dependencies. Expo CLI will make sure that your dependency versions for packages like expo and react-native are aligned. Plan and track work. $ npx expo-doctor Validating global prerequisites versions Checking for incompatible packages Verifying prebuild support package versions are compatible Checking dependency versions for compatibility with the installed Expo SDK Issues: Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo version: expo-image@1. Then run: expo-cli doctor --fix-dependencies and: npx expo install --check. Source: Grepper. 1. Update the. 5 - actual version installed: 9. Just not for doctor. 1. 4. 7. After banging my head many times on the code and tutorial documentation. 3 Your project may not work correctly until you. I did so with: expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile To see the full list of commands that clear specific elements from the cache, run expo build:ios --helpBy default, npm installs from the primary npm registry, registry. 0. My app has two versions- a regular version which is working fine in the new SDK, and a ‘demo’ version which mocks API calls that is giving me trouble. expo start. 4, since there are no native code changes, only JavaScript. 0. 0. brentvatne closed this as completed on Jul 6. Iirc this was fixed recently in the versioned Expo CLI ( npx expo) by performing a more in-depth check of the package versions. npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. expo doctor fix dependencies for fixing the dep in expo app. add babel. But it’s hard to help you if you don’t tell us what that warning is . Adding TypeScript. lock and node_modules and then reinstall your dependencies. json) from the package "expo" installed in your project. 0 - react-native-svg - expected version: 12. Right now, the app is working very well. Build/Submit details page URL Summary I was having issues. Follow edited Feb 28, 2022 at 0:11. When I try to build my expo react-native app for Android, there's a problem with it because of expo-notifications(however, iOS build succeeds). 2. Version. 0. or directly run expo install react-native-safe-area-context; if it didn't work try to run expo update it will upgrade the sdk version and reinstall all the packages to make them compatible with the new version.